Reb Michel's Shmuessen

Author: Rabbi Michel Barenbaum
Publisher: Mesorah

The inspiring ethical lectures of a patriarch of Mussar.

Product Description
The glorious past of the Mussar/Ethics movement’s classic past is still vigorous in the twinkling eyes, fertile mind, and probing ideas of Rabbi Michel Barenbaum. For over forty years, he has been the Mashgiach (spiritual mentor) of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem, where he was a close colleague of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and the mentor of two generations of students.

To those students and countless others who have come to revere him over the years, one of their fondest and most indelible memories is the sight and sound of Reb Michel delivering his mussar shmuess, his ethical discourse. Combining originality with tradition, he interweaves Scripture, Talmudic and Midrashic literature, and a lifetime of thought, experience, and struggle to perfect himself and help others realize their own potential.

Rabbi Barenbaum committed but little of his ideas to writing; he is too modest to acknowledge his great stature -- but what we do have is a treasure. And it is presented here in English for the first time ever.

This book is a throwback to the legendary days of Rabbi Yisrael Salanter, to the intensive mussar academy of the “Alter” of Kelm, to the study hall of Reb Michel’s own mentor, Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz, of the pre-War Mirrer Yeshivah. In the voice of Reb Michel one hears the classic voices of the past, and one is drawn to the richness of his thought.

Reb Michel transports the reader back to the world of the great Lithuanian yeshivos, into the study halls of old. In his mind’s eye, the reader sees the legendary Mussar masters of yesteryear. In his mind’s ear he hears the haunting chant of people asking how they can become better and more fruitful servants of the Torah and its Giver.

Reb Michel’s Shmuessen provide answers

Price: $17.99

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